Education Is The Key To Your Online Success.
Here’s where you get it!
By Dr. Jeffrey Lant
Think of all the time you have spent in your
life in educational endeavors. Personally, I
started going to school at age 5 and finished
up my Ph.D. from Harvard University 23 years
later. That’s a big chunk of a life!
Your education is one of the most valuable
things you’ve got. What’s more, you know that
you’ve got to keep learning to stay on the
cutting-edge of the fastest-changing society
in history.
So, having said this, just how much Internet
education have you had? How many Internet
courses have you taken? How many hours have
you spent learning from qualified instructors
about what it takes to succeed online? I’m
guessing you’ve never had even a single MINUTE’s
training in how to profit online.
Don’t you think that’s ironic?
The sad fact is that in a world that spends
TRILLIONS of dollars on education, very few
people indeed have had any professional
instruction in how to succeed online and make
predictable online income. Result: mass online
failure. And George Kosch To The Rescue
I’m going to introduce you now to a man and his
company who are changing the deplorable situation
described above, the situation which has caused
millions to fail online.
The company is which since 1994
has been providing domain hosting, custom website
design, and a line of low-cost, easy-to-use, no-
software-to-download video services. Since Day I,
they’ve been working to increase the level of
professional knowledge and information about what
the Internet is, how it works, and how to profit
from it.
The man is George Kosch, Chief Technology Officer
at, self-made multi-millionaire,
and inventor of some of the best-known and most
important applications for companies wanting to do
business online.
George Kosch has always been very aware of the mass
online failure. He decided to do what the folks in
Massachusetts decided to do back in 1636 when
they founded Harvard College, the first such
institution in North America. He decided to set
up the world’s first online educational institution
dedicated to showing average people in any business
precisely how the Internet works and how to make
consistent, predictable profit from it, the
training objective being to make a minimum of
$100,000 a year online. He called it the Millionaire
Bootcamp. He could have called in the Harvard of the
Twice weekly Instructor Kosch makes live online
presentations delivering the crucial information
you need about achieving online success. Each
program is recorded and immediately posted online
for instant 24/7 access by anyone with an Internet
What’s great about the Millionaire Bootcamp is
that it’s not just a series of lectures, no matter
how exceptional. Instead, it’s a hands-on workshop
where your pro-active instructor monitors your
progress towards graduation and intervenes when
necessary to ensure success.
Graduation from the Millionaire Bootcamp is the
goal. Why? Because 100% of Millionaire Bootcamp
graduates profit online. guarantees
that as a graduate you will profit, too.
Claim Your Free Millionaire Bootcamp Place Today
($599.95 Value)
As you can imagine, a results-oriented, professional
course like this is worth a pretty penny. After
all, as a graduate you are guaranteed online success.
However, right now I am authorized by
to GIVE you a FREE place in the Millionaire Bootcamp.
To get yours, just register here.
You can be enrolled in the next few minutes and get
started, profiting from the world’s first and so far
only professional course in online success, the Harvard
of the Web. Don’t miss out on the education you need!
Howard Martell, Worldprofit Dealer/Consultant
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