Tax Day 2019: Why you should start prepping now

As many Americans wrapped up filing for the fiscal year 2017 tax season this week, experts say it’s not too early to start thinking about next year.

While President Donald Trump signed tax cuts into law in December, most of the changes will affect next year’s returns. That means everything from changes to deductions to credits will all need to be accounted for when taxpayers file a year from now.

Here are some of the main items taxpayers can start thinking about to get ahead of the game.

Standard deduction

The new law doubles the standard deduction to $12,000 for individuals and $24,000 for married couples filing jointly. That means a lot more Americans will be taking the standard deduction instead of itemizing.

“Before the change, it was about two-thirds, like 70%, of people taking the standard deduction,” Speiss says. “That’s inching closer to 95% of people taking the standard deduction [now] … Overall it helps make tax preparation easier … less things that [filers] need to stress in the first place.”

People who will still be itemizing shouldn’t be overly concerned, Speiss adds, because the only thing that has really been curtailed is state and local tax (SALT) deductibility.

State and local tax deduction changes

Under the new law, state and local tax deductions will be capped at $10,000 – a major point of controversy for residents in high-tax states such as New York and California.

But some residents who are losing out on this deduction may not be hurt as severely as they might think. That’s because high-income filers subject to the alternative minimum tax, or AMT, haven’t been able to benefit from SALT deductions.

“They’re really not getting the deduction anyway,” Speiss says. Still, the SALT changes will accelerate some individuals’ decisions to move to lower-tax states, Eric Bronnenkant, head of tax at Betterment, told FOX Business.

The change, Speiss says, could cause individuals with multiple residences to shift where they spend most of their time in order to change where they claim primary residence. He warns that auditors in such states as New York can be aggressive, monitoring everything from cell phone tower logs to toll receipts.

Retirement planning and contribution

Retirement plan contribution limits were largely unaffected by changes enacted under the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. The contribution limit for 401(k) accounts was raised by $500 to $18,500, from $18,000.

One change that Bronnenkant says his clients have been less enthusiastic about is the characterization of IRA contributions. Individuals who are contributing to an IRA have the option of converting the funds into a Roth IRA. Under previous law, they had the ability to undo that decision by a deadline in order to avoid taxes, a move known as recharacterization. The new law, however, prohibits individuals from such changes in Roth IRA conversions beginning in 2018.

“Electing a conversion [is] an irreversible event … so you want to be more certain about your decision now,” Bronnenkant says.

Qualified business income

Speiss notes that investors should take advantage of the retirement plan’s contribution limits and also keep in mind that business owners can benefit from a new deduction. The qualified business income deduction can be claimed by some self-employed individuals and is limited to the lesser of 20% of qualified business income or 50% of the total wages paid by the business.

How to protect a retirement plan in a down market

 (AP Photo/Damian Dovarganes)

Market corrections are a worry for all investors, but they can pose a particularly big problem for people who have just retired and are starting to dip into savings.

Each time retirees sell stock, it digs a hole out of which their portfolio must climb to keep producing the same amount of income over time. The more they sell — and the earlier — the deeper the hole.

This doesn’t mean it’s always bad for a retiree to sell stock. Selling when the market is strong can be not only profitable but responsible, especially as a way of keeping portfolio allocations in line with investment goals. Selling during a correction, however, when stock prices may have fallen to a fraction of their recent market value, not only might yield a lot less return per share, it could cause a retiree to run low on resources sooner than expected.

“If you get off course at the beginning, it could be very difficult to recover,” says Dan Keady, chief financial planning strategist at New York-based financial services firm TIAA.

Despite recurring volatility, most retirees must hold some stocks to keep pace with inflation. For those investors in particular, it’s important to have a Plan B to cover ongoing financial needs so that if stocks crater, the retiree can avoid being forced to sell shares at depressed levels.

Mr. Keady recommends being proactive and taking steps ahead of retirement, like projecting spending needs, matching them against expected income and creating a reserve with something other than equities to help cover shortfalls. Being better prepared also might include planning ways to cut spending.

Here are some thoughts and suggestions from advisers and planners on how to minimize the risk:

1. First do the math. A good place to start is to estimate how much of your monthly budget would not be covered by fixed sources of income, such as dividends, interest, pensions and Social Security. Most people mistakenly think this involves the tedious process of adding up a year’s worth of receipts, says Joe Lucey, who heads Secured Retirement Advisors LLC in St. Louis Park, Minn. The much easier method, Mr. Lucey says, is to tally all the money taken from bank accounts in 12 months that hasn’t been stashed away somewhere else. Next, calculate the income expected regularly from Social Security, pensions or other sources.

Once you know what the gap between expenses and income will be, set aside a cash reserve or other fixed-income asset big enough to spin off cash to cover that gap until the market recovers. This provides a buffer, says Jim Barnash, an adviser at SGL Financial, Buffalo Grove, Ill. A retiree’s regular flow of income often covers as much as two-thirds of their total spending. But it’s that uncovered third that represents how much a person has to withdraw from savings to maintain a certain level of spending.

There is no way of knowing with any certainty how long a downturn will last, and thus how big that reserve needs to be exactly. But most corrections, Mr. Barnash says, with the exception of the 2008-09 crisis, last three to nine months.

2. Balance with safer stuff. The non-equities part of a portfolio should be a mix of cash and bank certificates of deposit or highly rated short-term bonds, experts say.

Money-market yields have been rising as the Federal Reserve raises short-term interest rates. Some federally insured money-market accounts now pay 1.75% to 2% a year.

Because certificates of deposit and bonds with slightly longer maturities offer better rates than cash, advisers often create a basket of CDs or individual bonds with sequential annual maturities — a so-called ladder — to ensure a steady replenishment of cash in a portfolio.

Buying individual bonds can be challenging for nonprofessionals, but investors could also consider an ETF that invests in short-term government bonds, says Nikolaas Schuurmans, founder of advisory firm Pure Portfolios in Portland, Ore.

While the share price will fluctuate with shifts in market sentiment, such ETFs pose relatively little risk and could easily be sold to raise more cash, he says. Mr. Schuurmans uses Schwab Short-Term U.S. Treasury (SCHO), which charges 0.06% annually in expenses. A similar option, Vanguard Short-Term Treasury ETF (VGSH), has an expense ratio of 0.07%.

3. Watch the equity allocation. Although it’s important to own some stocks, after about nine years of rising markets, many people may own more stocks than they think. Some also may be out of the habit of rebalancing a portfolio periodically and staying well-diversified, says Spuds Powell, managing director of the Los Angeles-based advisory firm Kayne Anderson Rudnick.

One thing to do right away: If the equity allocation has surged much above 60% — a common benchmark for how much to keep in stocks — consider paring it back, advisers say.

4. Plan to tighten the belt. Many people believe they will spend less in retirement than when they were working, says SGL Financial’s Mr. Barnash. Actually, the opposite can be true, at least in the first few years. New retirees have more time to spend money and may indulge in expensive luxuries, such as traveling abroad.

Retirees often don’t react well to suggestions that they spend less, but “realistically, you might have to cut spending some if there is a market downturn,” says Mr. Keady of TIAA. One way he suggests of imposing self-discipline on spending is to keep annual withdrawals from savings at a constant rate, which might be around 4% a year. Thus, if a portfolio’s principal value fell during a market correction, an investor would be withdrawing less while stock prices were lower, reducing sequence-of-return risk.

Advisers also sometimes suggest that people delay taking Social Security for a few years, because that can mean getting larger future Social Security payments, building in a higher level of dependable income.

5. Be wary of borrowing. Many people have substantial equity tied up in a home, and there are multiple ways of tapping it. A retiree could create a contingency reserve by taking out a home-equity loan or a line of credit and drawing against it, if necessary, during a market correction.

But in most cases, advisers caution against that. The strategy could backfire if a correction proved much deeper or longer than usual, leaving a borrower with a hefty debt burden.

“For people who have retired, whether they are taking regular withdrawals from savings or not, borrowing usually doesn’t make sense because it tends to increase risk,” says Mr. Powell of Kayne Anderson Rudnick.

WHO WANTS TO BE A BILLIONAIRE? The IRS is holding onto $1-BILLION that  belongs to estimated 1-million taxpayers.

Is this for YOU, howard?


The IRS is holding onto $1-BILLION that 
belongs to estimated 1-million taxpayers.


The money is owed to people who have 
not filed their 2014 tax returns to claim 
their refunds. BTW, there’s no penalty for 
filing tax returns late (even 3 years late!) 
if a refund is owed to you.

By law, any refunds NOT claimed within
3 YEARS of the original filing deadline, 
becomes permanent property of the 
Department of Treasury.

The DEADLINE for filing 2014 returns 
to receive refunds belonging to you, is


Here’s a shocker: both Democrats and
Republicans agree on something:
There’s a need to modernize the IRS and
to make it more “taxpayer-friendly.” It’s
clear to most everyone that the IRS has
forgotten its last name: SERVICE.


Discussions are at a very early stage, but
ideas being tossed around include giving
the taxpayer access to their own IRS case
files before their appeal hearing, and even
changing the title of the head of the IRS
from Commissioner to Administrator.

Those “softballs” are not Tax Reform.
It’s easy for both parties to “agree” on a
concept that’s publicly popular, like
overhauling the IRS. The fighting will
begin when attention shifts to the question
HOW are we going to DO that?

Don’t hold your breath expecting anything
definitive anytime soon. Especially not
before the midterm elections next Nov.


The #1 cause of lost deductions in audits
is lack of proper records.

As I said in a Tax Tips a few days ago, if you
have lost, missing or incomplete records for
ANY of your deductions, your choices are to:
(a) Claim the deduction, but knowing if you
are audited, you will lose the deduction
AND be slapped with interest and penalties.
(b) Not claim the deduction, and lose the tax-
savings value it could have meant
(c) Claim your rightful deductions, and
     RECONSTRUCT your missing records.

IRS has authorized several ways for you to 
“reconstruct” incomplete or missing records.

It is true that in order to claim ANY business
deductions, you must have records to back-
up each deduction. But it is also true that 
some of the records can be reconstructed
if you did not keep, or later lost, your records.

is an immediate-download; get it NOW at


The “2018 Tax Cuts Act” is fill of opportunities
to pay a lot LESS taxes this year than you
did in 2017.

I’ll take you through several of them in a
series of Tax Tips I’ll put out AFTER the
Tuesday tax filing deadline.

That’s it for today’s Tax Tips You Can Bank On.
If you got value from it, tell others. Subscriptions
are still FREE at

   Ronald R. ‘Ron’ Mueller, MBA, Ph.D.
by Creating Tax-Smart Home-Business Owners
      Author, Speaker and Tax Educator 

Did you know that “Home Business Tax-
Savings, Made Easy” has a NEW TITLE?
New name is “WINDFALL Tax-Savings 
APPROVED for Small Business Owners”

New newest version (just weeks old) includes
all small-biz tax changes in the new 2018
“Tax Cuts & Jobs Act” – there were a LOT!
Check it out NOW at

The IRS has issued a warning to taxpayers  who are tempted to falsely inflate deductions  or expenses or tax credits on tax returns.

Head’s up howard,

The IRS has issued a warning to taxpayers 
who are tempted to falsely inflate deductions
or expenses or tax credits on tax returns.

Common areas targeted include charitable
contributions, padding business expenses
or including credits that they are not entitled
to receive – like the Earned Income Tax Credit
or Child Tax Credit, in hopes of getting a larger
refund or paying less than what is owed.
The IRS reminds taxpayers to be careful when
claiming these deductions or credits. Even if a
tax pro preparers your tax return, YOU and you
ALONE are as responsible as if you had filled
out the forms yourself.


Submitting an accurate tax return is your best
way to avoid triggering an audit. Be aware,
who file incorrect returns include:

• 20% penalty on disallowed amount for
filing erroneous refunds or tax credits.

• PLUS $5,000 if the IRS determines a
taxpayer has filed a “frivolous tax return.”
A frivolous tax return is one that does
not include enough information to figure
the correct tax or that contains information
clearly showing that the tax reported is
substantially incorrect.

• PLUS an additional penalty of 75 percent
of the amount owed, if the underpayment
on the tax return resulted from tax fraud.


Cheatin’ ain’t worth the risk!


Taxpayers may be subject to criminal 
prosecution and be brought to trial for
actions such as (a) willful failure to file
a return or supply information or pay
any tax due; (b) false statements; (c)
preparing and filing a fraudulent
return and (d) identity theft.

● Prepare and e-file federal taxes free
with IRS Free File (see

● Taxpayers with income of $66,000 or
less can file using free brand-name tax

● Those who earned more than $66K, can
use Free File Fillable Forms, the electronic
version of IRS paper forms (

● If you are a SMALL-BUSINESS owner
I strongly recommend you use a CPA, EA,
or tax attorney tax who is a seasoned expert
in small-business tax law. Click Here

responsible for what is on your tax return,
even if it is prepared by someone else.

RECOMMENDATION: As soon as your
tax preparer sends you your forms to sign,
schedule a phone consultation to review
everything on your tax returns BEFORE
you sign it.

FINAL REMINDER: Your tax professional’s
job is NOT to save you as much taxes as
possible. It is to file an accurate tax return
based on information YOU provide them.

Ronald R. Ron Mueller, MBA, Ph.D.
by Creating Tax-Smart Home-Business Owners
Speaker, Educator and Author

The law requires you to have adequate
records to document every tax deduction
you claim. If yOu have any lost, missing
or incomplete tax deduction records,
Click HERE  for help.

What do you think, howard, are business  meals still 50% deductible under the “2018  Tax Cuts & Jobs Act?”

What do you think, howard, are business
meals still 50% deductible under the “2018
Tax Cuts & Jobs Act?”

“Expert opinions” about this are all over the
board, ranging from “absolutely not” to
“absolutely,” plus everything in between.

Which “Expert” is CORRECT? 
The Act states “all Business Entertainment
deductions are SUSPENDED,” but the big
question is: “Was that the actual INTENT
of Congress, or was it careless wording?”

For now, you cannot safely rely on any
“expert” because we are just expressing
our opinions. The only fact is the wording
in the Tax Act is unclear.

When and How will we Know for CERTAIN?
There are two possibilities:
 (a) Congress will pass a bill called a
“technical correction,” which will
clarify what the intent of Congress
was and is. Or…
 (b) After conferring with Congressional
tax-writers, the IRS will publish a
definitive written “clarification” to
spell out what Congress intended,
and how they (IRS) will enforce it.

What do we do for now?
My advice is to treat every expense as if it
IS (or WILL be) deductible. That may result in
keeping records that, in the end, you would
not be able to use; BUT it ALSO MEANS if
the deduction IS approved, you will be ready
with all required documentation in hand.

As soon as a “Technical Correction” is
passed by Congress or an “Official
Clarification” is issued by the IRS, you
will immediately be alerted in “Tax Tips
You Can Bank On.”

Ronald R. Ron  Mueller, MBA, Ph.D.
by Creating Tax-Smart Home-Business Owners
       Author, Speaker and Educator

P.S. – To learn more about what is in the
massive “2018 Tax Cuts & Jobs Act,”
Click HERE.

5 SET and FORGET Advertising Methods that work to deliver results!

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Subject: 5 SET and FORGET Advertising Methods that work to deliver results!
Message:Are you short on time for doing your promotion?

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