Is 2020 the Year for Your Business to MATURE?

I think you would agree, howard, during
the start-up phase of a new business, it
usually begins as a sole-proprietorship.

There comes a time to ask yourself: When
is the “right time” to put on big-boy pants?

It is very common for a business to begin as a
sole-proprietorship, HOWEVER, it’s NOT common
to remain a sole-proprietorship if the owner has
plans and intentions to grow and develop it into
a substantial & stable business.

 Is it time YOUR business becomes a “legal entity?”
 How can you tell if now is the right time?

The most common types of entities are Limited
Liability Companies (LLCs) and Corporations
(either a C-Corp or S-Corp).

▪ How different are LLCs and Corporations?
▪ How different are C-Corps and S-Corps?
▪ Which is better? Under what circumstances?
▪ Is the answer important?
How important?
Why is the answer important?
▪ Are there tax conseque nces?
Are the consequences Good or Bad?


We’re going to demystify this complex subject
It all for you coming SUNDAY evening, Nov. 24.

First the details, then a little backstory…

 “Is 2020 the Year YOUR Business Matures?”
 Sunday, Nov. 24 (this coming Sunday)
6pm Pac; 7pm Mtn; 8pm Cen; 9pm Eastern
 Online (preferred) or by Phone
About 45-60 minutes
Free. We don’t charge for informational briefings.
Just Click HERE

A LITTLE BACKSTORY, just for fun –

Our presenter is one of my most highly
ranked (by past attendees) guest speakers
who comes back once or twice a year to
share his wisdom with my “tribe” [isn’t that
a term we recently “culturally appropriated”
from Native Americans?]

But I digress…

Scott Burnett, Esq, pres. of Burnett & Assoc.,
is an EXPERT in Business Entity consulting,
entity formation and legal compliance. He is
especially well known and popular with home-
based business owners, including networkers.

Scott and I have been both business colleagues
and personal friends for years! Here’s a little
“insider’s commentary” about Scott…

It is true, he is a lawyer, but don’t hold that
against him for several reasons. (a) he actually
has a personality, (b) he is a very likable guy
(no kidding!), (c) he speaks Plain English, not
legalese (unless he’s required to, such as in
a courtroom), and he’s frankly f unny (in a
good way, despite the lawyer reference).

If you think our topic for Sunday evening
sounds “important, but maybe a bit dull,”
you haven’t met Scott Burnett, yet.

LET ME EMPHASIZE that this is a this is
a very important topic for anyone whose
small business is already successful, or
is becoming successful, or is going to be


Here is something Scott may not mention
(but I will). If you are a tax audit worrier (and
most small business owners are), as soon as
you Incorporate your business, your audit risk
drops like a rock! I am living proof of that.

Being Incorporated puts an END to auditors
“speculating” and whining about whether or
not you have a “profit intent.” You no longer
have to “prove” that you are “running your
business like a business.” No auditor will
ever again question how much time and
effort you put into your business.

That’s not to say you will never be audited, but
if you are (a) it will be a rare occurrence, and
(b) you will be treated with far more respect.

**Not a reason to incorporate, but certainly
a nice side-benefit.**

Hope you will join me on Sunday. Here are
the details once again…

“Is 2020 the Year YOUR Business Matures?”
Sunday, Nov. 24 (this coming Sunday)
6pm Pac; 7pm Mtn; 8pm Cen; 9pm Eastern
Online (preferred) or by Phone
About 45-60 minutes
Free. We don’t charge for informational briefings.
 Just Click HERE

Still Helping Tax-Smart Small-Business
Owners to SAVE a BUNDLE,
Ronald R. ‘Ron’ Mueller, MBA, Ph.D.
Author, Speaker & Small-Business Tax Educator

SPECIAL EDITION of “Tax-Tips You Can Bank On

howard, as we go through this time of uncertainty, confusion, frustration and
maybe even anxiety, I’d like to take a few moments to update you on four important
–NEW Tax-Filing and Payment Deadlines
–Financial Relief for Individuals and Families
–Plans for propping up Small USA Businesses
State, County & Local assistance programs,

I know you have been receiving COVID-19 information, updates and even
misinformation non-stop, which collectively, has probably produced more
confusion than knowledge.

Let’s try to sort out where we are at the moment,
but FIRST, I need to make one comment…

Neither our nation nor any of our leaders have ever been through anything like this
before. We are watching in REAL-TIME as decisions are being made and support-plans
being decided.

Watching this unfold his is not like “watching a movie;” it’s more like watching while
a movie is being produced – complete with snafus, retakes, botched lines and mistakes.

Congress and the Administration are working together (finally!), aggressively trying
to kill the problem, while, at the same time, trying to saving American lives, saving
America’s 30-million small businesses, return us to normal lifestyles, and protect our
freedoms, safety and very importantly, financial security.

What, exactly, has our government leadership done for us so far, and what can we
count on going forward? We need to understand that just to maintain equilibrium.

I KNOW you’re confused. If not, you would be in dreamland living under a rock.
Uncertainty and confusion generate anxiety and panic. It is human nature to want a
rather orderly and somewhat predictable life. But we don’t exactly have that at the
moment, do we?

Our life seems to be swirling rapidly, and out of our personal control, much like a
hurricane. Where is the calmest place in a hurricane? In the eye, right? So, let’s
take 10 minutes and climb into the calm “eye of the COVID-19 hurricane,” and get
our bearings.

Please Click HERE to read a brief, easy to follow, chronological summary of where
we’ve been, where we are, where we’re going and what’s next.

Knowledge never puts us at a disadvantage. What will this knowledge do for you?
I predict that after reviewing this short “status report,” a sense of calm will replace
much of the angst, anxiety and worry that may currently be clouding your mind.

Click HERE and take a look.
Then drop me a line and let me know if it helped.

Your friend,
Dr. Ron Mueller




I know a lot of Marketers and Affiliates spend significant time online and the struggles can go up and down.

Ultimately, you want to be sure that when everything is said and done, you’ll have an important and permanent investment at the end of the journey.

Karatbars can help with that. When you invest in cash gold, it’s there to stay and accumulate as you continue to invest.

Some marketers can spend a tremendous amount on affiliate marketing, or a small online business, and have a very little left when they decide to leave the Industry.

But Cashgold will stay in your account, called a back-office, and the asset will not inflate or lose value…you can add monthly, like a savings account, and it will only grow and appreciate.

Recall, Cashgold comes in small units of gold affixed to a personalized card. Normally the small units are in grams.

The card is identified with unique “DNA” marks that can’t be digitally reproduced or forged.
Covered with a safety laminate, it is provided with a black light authenticity, another counterfeit-proof safety enhancement

I hope to goodness marketers are able to succeed and make a significant profit or monthly income.
Many times, however, they don’t make it and can leave the Industry with very little.

You want to make sure that you have invested, or much better word- savings, that’ll accrue and never lose value after you call it a day.

Karatbars will help with that, an affiliate’s perspective, which works like an MLM, in which you bring in members.

Or an investor’s perspective, in which you accumulate small units of Cashgold, just like a normal investor.

An investor is a misnomer, investing involves risk, there is never any risk with savings in small units of gold, as you are simply trading fiat currency for small units of gold.

You become a saver, not an investor and the 24 karats (999.9% pure gold never loses its value.
Meanwhile, fiat currency diminishes in value.

Remember you’re not paying fees into a fund or to a financial advisor.
You are never paying a monthly fee for the “privilege” of being an affiliate.

If you purchase any profit package you become an affiliate for life.

So your savings are in Cashgold…an important savings or retirement account.  OR an important adjunct to your portfolio.

Receive 100 Euro coupon code for free when joining Karatbars.
Start your own Karatbar Biz, go part-time, or add an opportunity to your other gigs.

There is never a monthly fee.

You can also start saving the inflation-proof currency…. gold-backed KCB cryptocurrency.

This is a no-brainer.

Howard Martell


Karatbars Overview
Karatbars International, an E-Commerce Company, has made available “a simple wealth building system” for everyone on the planet who is 18 years of age and over with 3 Optional ways to participate.
We all start here – we complete the free registration for our gold savings account and
start acquiring Karatbars Gold in small increments.
Karatbars International has made it easy by making available; a feature called Auto Exchange. At Wealth Builders Worldwide we call that, PAY YOURSELF FIRST.
You set up your account to automatically exchange your paper currency for Karatbars Gold weekly, bi-weekly or monthly. You simply set it, forget it and then go back and increase it.
Activating this feature; allows you to automatically PAY YOURSELF FIRST with physical GOLD.
There are No fees of any kind. The account is completely free and takes less than 5 minutes to register. Every time you acquire Karatbars Gold you are building your family’s wealth.
As an independent affiliate, when you save gold for yourself and share with others how to do the same, you position yourself to be compensated monthly through our Unilevel System Compensation Plan. You are virtually in business for yourself in over 140 plus Countries Worldwide.
You may choose one of several business packages that position you to generate cash-flow monthly and weekly, through our Dual System Compensation plan. These packages are income-producing assets.
Some People Have Asked – Why Karatbars?
A Karatbars Gold Savings Account gives you protection against future financial crises and rapid inflation.
It protects your hard-earned paper currency with physical gold.
Karatbars International has the only system in the world where you can get free gold.
There are 3 Major Benefits of a Karatbars Gold Savings Account:
1. You can Now start saving physical gold in small increments!
2. Karatbars International puts you in a position to build a Global Business from the comfort of your home!
3. There are significant tax advantages to owning a Home Based Business!