Like Christmas morning every day here in my own Home Business at Worldprofit

My buddy likes to get his “pokes” in.  I guess I DO talk a lot about WorldProfit.  He has offered to help me lift the bags of money I’m making with WorldProfit.
I am more a techie type, in fact I don’t think I have made much income at all from WorldProfit.  It would be nice if all my “projects” were “self sustaining” so that is my goal, just having stuff that pays for itself.  Not looking for a windfall.
Anything above self-sustaining, it would be nice to sprinkle some towards undergrad tuition loans that are now due since my son graduated from medical school.  I had to pay the full ride for his undergrad at Gettysburg — they don’t give scholarships – you are only selected to go there if you are the top of the academic scale.  But student loans are deferred until 3 months past graduation.  Then my daughter got her masters in Bio-Med from Rutgers, again, student loans are due, which is NOW.
I’m here at WorldProfit for the training and the tools, articles, PLR, eBooks, etc. that I use absolutely every day in all of the projects I am involved with, including my own 25+ websites in my my network of eCommerce sites, Safelists (I own 11), and the work I do for OTHER people WITHOUT the amazing array of “toys”.   Oh, I use these “toys” so my REAL BUSINESSES continue to make money!
Absolutely the very best, highest quality, and most flexible in all categories, and I am absolutely in awe of the work and efforts Sandi and George have put into WorldProfit.
Non-techies may not have the appreciation I do: you see I have been developing my own tools, teaching, writing tutorials for 20+ years and with all that George has done, I don’t have to do that anymore, or at least not as much.
I’m retired (for the 3rd time), and, according to my wife, I just “play” on the internet all day.  Well, I do things I WANT and LIKE to do, things that  are FUN, things to keep me busy and keep me from being underfoot with “the boss”.    I have good days and bad, healthwise.  Nice to know that if I am having a bad day, I don’t HAVE to do anything.
Even though I have been with WorldProfit quite awhile, I STILL find stuff I didn’t explore before.  It’s like Christmas morning every day.  A new toy, something new to build or tinker with, something new to learn…
Come on by.  Call, Email, Skype.  Just do SOMETHING that will move you forward.  I can SHOW YOU how WorldProfit has made an incredible DIFFERENCE in my REAL BUSINESSES.   I’d like you to consider making YOUR network marketing program.


I have been marketing online for 30 years helping people do it right with education, and list building tools and procedures.