Universal Rotator – It’s ready now!

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Subject: Universal Rotator – It’s ready now!
Message:In a lot of affiliate marketing programs?

Worldprofit’s Universal Rotator is exactly what you need.

Today, Worldprofit released a new software product to help you your advertising and promotion campaigns.

Now you can…. Promote ALL your affiliate links with just one URL!

Worldprofit’s Universal Rotator gives you the ability to rotate UNLIMITED URLs using what we call Bundles.

It’s as easy as 1 – 2 !

  1. Enter a name for your Bundle.
  2. Then add URLs to the Bundle. Add as many as you like  – there is NO LIMIT!

So easy.

Worldprofit’s system will generate a Bundle URL using YOUR domain name that is part of your Silver or Platinum VIP Membership website.

Here’s the power of this system – You ONLY need to promote the ONE URL generated – and it will rotate through all of the URLS you’ve entered to that Bundle.

There’s more!

  • You can create UNLIMITED Bundles and add UNLIMITED URLs to each bundle.
  • And, you can even track how many times each URL gets a visit.
  • If you’re in a lot of affiliate marketing programs Worldprofit’s Universal Rotator is exactly what you need.

It’s simple. It’s smart marketing.

To get your UNIVERSAL ROTATOR look on the TOP MENU for WEBSITE MANAGEMENT,  click on that,  then select UNIVERSAL ROTATOR.

Watch the HELP VIDEO to see George demonstrate this new software.

From new Universal Rotator owner, Emil Basista

“George,  Love the new universal rotator. Thank you.”    


I have been marketing online for 30 years helping people do it right with education, and list building tools and procedures.