Google Social Networking

You don’t have to look very far on the internet to find Google’s fingerprints. Google started out as a search engine, and that was about all it did, but then as it gained more traction it started to branch out into other things. To be fair, many of the things they tried didn’t do all that well and have long since been forgotten. It remains to be seen if Google+ (Google social networking) will last, or if it will soon disappear like previously failed endeavors made by Big G. There is no question that Google+ has a lot of weight behind it and they definitely want it to grab some of Facebook’s business. Now, they may not flat-out say that, but it’s quite obvious that they have noticed how much of an impact Facebook has had, and Google can’t be blamed for wanting a piece of the virtual action.

By now everybody knows that social networking is taking the world by storm, at least the online world. The big-name networking sites like Myspace and Facebook offer settings for people to connect with each other. Many businesses are also tapping into the power of this phenomenon because they can see how popular they are, and they also understand the power of social proof provided by such sites. The ability to leverage social network sites is an excellent method for businesses to reach new markets and increase their customer base. Perhaps you are among the people who didn’t think there was enough room for another major player in social networking, but Google’s entrance into the arena is evidence that there is still room for growth and competition.

While may have had a few mis-steps in its short history, they have a reason for everything that they do. Google+ appears to be a serious contender in the field of social networking, and it is already starting to get a fair share of users who like what it has to offer. One of the main things that make Google+ unique is the use of social circles. You put people into different circles, and then you get to decide what each circle gets to see. For example, you can put your co-workers in one circle, your family in another, and your spouse in yet another. The only downside as of right now is that each person can only belong to one circle, but at least you have the ability to control who sees what. Google+ also has a chat function which makes communicating with friends easy and enjoyable.

Facebook also has chat, but theirs is limited to only one person at a time. Google+, on the other hand, is set up so up to 10 people can all chat at the same time. It also has seamless video chat, which adds to the overall experience and puts the ‘social’ in ‘Google social networking’. Everything you would expect in a good social networking site is still here, such as games, sharing, status updates and more. While it may be a bit of a stretch to say Google social networking will replace Facebook, it would be fair to say that Google+ does things right and is worth checking out.

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I have been marketing online for 30 years helping people do it right with education, and list building tools and procedures.