do you drink Coffee? If so, then you don’t want to miss this


I love me some GenJava Coffee

in the Home-Based Business Industry
Introducing the next

Hi ,

Do you drink COFFEE… Hot or Cold?
How many people do you know that drink coffee?
The Coffee Industry is the 2nd Largest Industry
in the World next to the Oil Industry and get this,
Industry experts say that it will be #1 in the World
in the next 3 to 5 years because of alternative
energy efforts like solar, wind and electric…
Oil is slowly going down/away!

There have been numerous “healthy” coffees
to come out in the home-based business industry
in the last 10 to 15 years but they come and they
go because of ONE MAIN REASON…
They tasted like GARBAGE!
They tasted terrible and when people tasted it,
they never bought it again no matter how good
it was for them!

But just imagine for a moment…
There was a “Healthy” Coffee that smelled
incredible, that tasted 100 times better than
Starbucks, Dunkin Donuts or McDomald’s coffee
and was priced at a FRACTION of their prices,
Wouldn’t you want to know about it?
Wouldn’t you want to at least try it?
Wouldn’t you be interested if it was only
55 cents a cup/mug?
Do you know anybody who would also want
the same High Quality at that LOW PRICE?

I Will Make a MILLION DOLL ARS this year
because of this Launch! I’m already over
20 GRAND this month…
and just think, six months ago I was DEAD B ROKE!
Then, my dad sent me this 1 minute video

Get in at the TOP NOW…

Go to the link and watch the video from
beginning to end… it’s ONLY 1 minute
long so go to the video NOW

Then, look for my personal email in your
inbox and/or sp am folder and read it.

Gourmet Arabica CBD Coffee That tastes better than the Starbucks, Mcdonalds, Dunkin Donuts Hands Down!


According to, coffee offers 13 BENEFITS to people who drink it. Here are the benefits*:

1. May Improve Energy Levels and Make You Smarter
2. May Help You Burn Fat
3. May Drastically Improve Physical Performance
4. Contains Essential Nutrients that your body needs
5. May Lower Your Risk of Type 2 Diabetes
6. May Protect You From Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia
7. May Lower Your Risk of Parkinson’s

8. May Protect Your Liver
9. May Fight Depression and Make You Happier
10. May Lower Risk of Certain Types of Cancer
11. Doesn’t Cause Heart Disease and May Lower Stroke Risk
12. May Help You Live Longer
13. The Biggest Source of Antioxidants in the Western Diet

NOW… add in the 7 benefits* of CBD according to,

1. May Relieve Pain
2. May Reduce Anxiety and Depression
3. May Alleviate Cancer-Related Symptoms
4. May Reduce Acne

5. Might Have Neuroprotective Properties
6. Could Benefit Heart Health
7. Several Other Potential Benefits



Gourmet Arabica CBD Coffee
GenJava Launch Webinar!
Go Here NOW:

Hi ,

My team in the LAST 3 MONTHS, have made…
OVER 8.5 GRAND on JULY 13th

Now that we have GenJava,
I can see my in come 10 FOLDING…
Everybody WANTS GenJava!
It SMELLS Great! It TASTES Great!
It is GREAT!

Jo in FR E E and make MO N EY NOW!
Go Here:
1.) Watch the VIDEO
2.) Submit your In fo
3.) On NEXT PAGE, complete STEP#2
You’re Done!
Then look for my personal email in
your inbox and/or sp am folder

The 1999 Decision That Killed Our Future


Jim Rickards: “I refuse to let the media ignore this any longer”

Jim Rickards just went on camera to reveal a shocking wealth transfer trend that’s spreading across America.

Click here to learn more

He says most people have no clue this is happening because the media isn’t reporting about it anywhere.

This story is much bigger than coronavirus. And it’s happening right now.

You can click here to see Jim’s
full uncensored video.


Robert KiyosakiRobert Kiyosaki

Editor, Rich Dad Poor Dad Daily


Dear Reader,

The Banking Act of 1933, known as the Glass-Steagall Act, was passed by the United States Congress with the purpose of separating investment banking from retail banking.

The bill was designed “to provide for the safer and more effective use of the assets of banks, to regulate interbank control, to prevent the undue diversion of funds into speculative operations, and for other purposes.” No longer could retail banks who mostly took deposits, manage checking accounts, and made loans use depositors’ funds for risky investments.

It all seems well and fine.

As a customer of a retail bank, you wouldn’t argue that Congress wasn’t acting in your best interest.

In fact, this Act restored a lot of faith back into the banking system after the 1929 crash.

House of Cards

In 1974, ERISA, the Employee Retirement Income Security Act, was passed and paved the way for the 401(k), IRAs, and employee pension plans. ERISA opened the doors to the big casino known as the stock and bond markets to millions of poor and middle-class workers without any financial education.

As leaders printed money, ripping off most workers, a few middle-class investors, such as my rich dad, caught on to the heist and did well as the stock, bond, and real estate markets were blown into bubbles.

By 1978, millions of amateurs were forced into the giant casinos of banks and Wall Street, owned by the rich. The rich and powerful kept their winnings, even when they lost other people’s money.

Rich dad called these giant “casinos” the house of cards.

This house of cards became even more unstable in 1999 when Senator Phil Gramm, in 1997 and 1998, helped repeal the Glass-Steagall Act.

The repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act was one of the biggest bank heists in history.

If you recall, there are two types of bank robbers: those who rob banks from the outside and those who rob banks from the inside. This was the greatest inside job ever pulled off and because it revealed the inbred relationship between the government, the Fed, and the ultra-rich Wall Street bankers.

Once it was repealed, your money turned into a casino—one big casino. They could take your savings and they could put it into a casino. If they lost your money, tough. The taxpayer covered the bill. When the casino lost your money, the Fed and U.S. Treasury bailed out the casino, saving the rich at the expense of your future.

The rich bet your money, the rich lose your money, and you pay for the loss of your money via taxes, and the bailout money pays the bonuses of the rich who bet and lost your money in the first place.

Recommended Link

Millionaire Expert: Beware of The $7.16 Trillion Money Shift

He’s the man who predicted the 2008 recession…

Recognized as the #1 personal finance expert in the world…

Now, he’s revealing the “secret” $7.16 trillion “money shift” happening right now – right under the nose of every single American.

A massive “quiet” operation moving money from the poor and middle class to the wealthy…

So while everyone is distracted by the pandemic…

latest decision will have a DIRECT impact on 300 million Americans…

From how much you pay for your mortgage…

To how much you collect in Social Security when you retire…

From how fast your investment account grows…

To your overall cost of living, including how much you pay for rent, medical bills and credit card debt.

Which is why Robert Kiyosaki wants to show you five steps you need to take to protect and grow your wealth in the coming months…

Click here for all the details.


A Casino Depends on Losers

A casino depends upon losers so that those at the top can win. In 1974, it was a thing called a 401K. They needed more losers to enter the market, and what did the financial planners tell you? “Save money and invest for the long term of the stock market.” They needed people to come in and push it up.

In the 1980’s, Wall Street began selling pension boards (made up of teachers, firefighters and police officers) high risk “credit assets.” In 1984, public employee pensions were 60 percent of GDP. In 2019, they were 120 percent.

Up until 1990, public employee pensions were becoming “the dominant global investor.” But it started to crumble when Long-Term-Capital Management, a hedge fund many pensions were invested in, imploded. Wall Street ended up bailing out LTCM.

In 1998, the foundations of global paper casino began to crumble and giant crashes began. After the 2008 crash, the global central banks and the U.S. government printed an estimated $9 trillion, to save themselves and their friends.

Why would anyone invest in the long term in the stock market when it’s a casino? My concern is, the old guys like me, are sitting there with their retirement plans which are broke. The California retirement system is broke, Hawaii’s retirement system is broke. Chicago’s retirement system is broke. When this casino finally comes down, my generation is toast.

Between 1971 and today, the poor and middle-class workers who worked hard to earn fake money also saved fake money, and invested it in fake assets run by fake fund managers educated in our finest business schools became today’s biggest losers.

Money as we know it—fake money—is dying. That includes the U.S. dollar. Historically, the average life expectancy for a fiat currency is 27 years, with the shortest life span being one month.

Since 1971, the U.S. dollar has lost 97 percent of it’s purchasing power. History has proven that printing fake money never ends in prosperity. History is evidence that printing fake money always ends in poverty for those who work for fake money.

In my opinion, the best way to prepare is to not need money.

Recommended Link

Before Trump was President…

Click here to learn more

Donald Trump laid out his brilliant ideas about America’s financial system in this book long before he was president.

He wrote it with the #1 best-selling author in personal finance, Robert Kiyosaki…

And it’s designed to help everyday Americans retire wealthy!

Click here now to claim your copy.

If you only have a few thousand saved for retirement…

Or simply want to learn why Trump will win again in 2020…

Check out more details on
this incredible offer now…


Don’t Fight the System

In the end, it’s not the government that has the power. It’s the Fed and the ultra-rich banks. This latest stimulus bill is simply a way to pacify the voters and make the government look like it’s doing something. The fundamental problems that caused the crisis are still in place—and the people responsible are still in power. The boom and bust cycle will continue as it always has since Nixon took the dollar off the gold standard in 1971.

It’s pointless to fight the system. Instead, you need to learn to play by the rules of the rich. You cannot expect the government to bail you out. They only do that for powerful banks and corporations—and they use your money to do it. Counting on the government and regulation to save you and the country sets you up for disappointment and failure.

Only by educating yourself about money and taking control of your financial future by playing by rules of the rich will you be able to prosper. The game is always tilted in favor of the rich and powerful. But you can choose to opt-out and prosper by understanding how the world and money works, just like the rich do.

Many will be wiped out by the coming depression. But I want to see you win. Continue your financial education and understand the rules of the game. Only then can you prosper as others perish.


Robert Kiyosaki

Robert Kiyosaki
Editor, Rich Dad Poor Dad Daily

P.S. If you think the Pandemic Crisis is over… 

It’s the question on everyone’s mind right now.

Luckily, me and one of the smartest minds in finance decided to go on camera to answer that question.

Click here to see it.

But warning…

The answer will most likely shock you.

This is the story the mainstream media is NOT reporting.

You see, we do not work for Wall Street or any media… so we’re 100% independent.

That means we aren’t taking any money to fulfill a particular agenda.

And because of that, we aren’t beholden to anyone.

If you think you can handle the truth, click here.

Gourmet Arabica CBD Coffee
Get Your Seat for TUESDAY’S LIVE
GenJava Launch Webinar!
Go Here NOW:

Hi ,

My team in the LAST 3 MONTHS, have made…
OVER 8.5 GRAND on JULY 13th

Now that we have GenJava,
I can see my in come 10 FOLDING…
Everybody WANTS GenJava!
It SMELLS Great! It TASTES Great!
It is GREAT!

Jo in FR E E and make MO N EY NOW!
Go Here:
1.) Watch the VIDEO
2.) Submit your In fo
3.) On NEXT PAGE, complete STEP#2
You’re Done!
Then look for my personal email in
your inbox and/or sp am folder

This Product is HO T and People are making FOR TUNES with this The NEXT BILL ION DOLL AR PRODUCT GenJava Gourmet Arabica CBD Coffee is Just Now LAUNCHING!

GenJava Tastes Better than Starbucks at a Fraction of the Price!
This Product is HO T and People are making FOR TUNES with this
Gourmet Arabica CBD Coffee
is Just Now LAUNCHING!

Yours In Success, Howard Martell Webmaster I have been marketing online helping others for 28 years Love the automation which i have each day 24-7. Been part of this great community for 10 plus years.

Jim Rickards: “I refuse to let the media ignore this any longer”Jim Rickards just went on camera to reveal a shocking wealth transfer trend that’s spreading across America.

Click here to learn more

He says most people have no clue this is happening because the media isn’t reporting about it anywhere.

This story is much bigger than coronavirus. And it’s happening right now.

You can click here to see Jim’s
full uncensored video.


Robert KiyosakiRobert Kiyosaki

Editor, Rich Dad Poor Dad Daily


Dear Reader,

The Banking Act of 1933, known as the Glass-Steagall Act, was passed by the United States Congress with the purpose of separating investment banking from retail banking.

The bill was designed “to provide for the safer and more effective use of the assets of banks, to regulate interbank control, to prevent the undue diversion of funds into speculative operations, and for other purposes.” No longer could retail banks who mostly took deposits, manage checking accounts, and made loans use depositors’ funds for risky investments.

It all seems well and fine.

As a customer of a retail bank, you wouldn’t argue that Congress wasn’t acting in your best interest.

In fact, this Act restored a lot of faith back into the banking system after the 1929 crash.

House of Cards

In 1974, ERISA, the Employee Retirement Income Security Act, was passed and paved the way for the 401(k), IRAs, and employee pension plans. ERISA opened the doors to the big casino known as the stock and bond markets to millions of poor and middle-class workers without any financial education.

As leaders printed money, ripping off most workers, a few middle-class investors, such as my rich dad, caught on to the heist and did well as the stock, bond, and real estate markets were blown into bubbles.

By 1978, millions of amateurs were forced into the giant casinos of banks and Wall Street, owned by the rich. The rich and powerful kept their winnings, even when they lost other people’s money.

Rich dad called these giant “casinos” the house of cards.

This house of cards became even more unstable in 1999 when Senator Phil Gramm, in 1997 and 1998, helped repeal the Glass-Steagall Act.

The repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act was one of the biggest bank heists in history.

If you recall, there are two types of bank robbers: those who rob banks from the outside and those who rob banks from the inside. This was the greatest inside job ever pulled off and because it revealed the inbred relationship between the government, the Fed, and the ultra-rich Wall Street bankers.

Once it was repealed, your money turned into a casino—one big casino. They could take your savings and they could put it into a casino. If they lost your money, tough. The taxpayer covered the bill. When the casino lost your money, the Fed and U.S. Treasury bailed out the casino, saving the rich at the expense of your future.

The rich bet your money, the rich lose your money, and you pay for the loss of your money via taxes, and the bailout money pays the bonuses of the rich who bet and lost your money in the first place.

Recommended Link

Millionaire Expert: Beware of The $7.16 Trillion Money Shift

He’s the man who predicted the 2008 recession…

Recognized as the #1 personal finance expert in the world…

Now, he’s revealing the “secret” $7.16 trillion “money shift” happening right now – right under the nose of every single American.

A massive “quiet” operation moving money from the poor and middle class to the wealthy…

So while everyone is distracted by the pandemic…

latest decision will have a DIRECT impact on 300 million Americans…

From how much you pay for your mortgage…

To how much you collect in Social Security when you retire…

From how fast your investment account grows…

To your overall cost of living, including how much you pay for rent, medical bills and credit card debt.

Which is why Robert Kiyosaki wants to show you five steps you need to take to protect and grow your wealth in the coming months…

Click here for all the details.


A Casino Depends on Losers

A casino depends upon losers so that those at the top can win. In 1974, it was a thing called a 401K. They needed more losers to enter the market, and what did the financial planners tell you? “Save money and invest for the long term of the stock market.” They needed people to come in and push it up.

In the 1980’s, Wall Street began selling pension boards (made up of teachers, firefighters and police officers) high risk “credit assets.” In 1984, public employee pensions were 60 percent of GDP. In 2019, they were 120 percent.

Up until 1990, public employee pensions were becoming “the dominant global investor.” But it started to crumble when Long-Term-Capital Management, a hedge fund many pensions were invested in, imploded. Wall Street ended up bailing out LTCM.

In 1998, the foundations of global paper casino began to crumble and giant crashes began. After the 2008 crash, the global central banks and the U.S. government printed an estimated $9 trillion, to save themselves and their friends.

Why would anyone invest in the long term in the stock market when it’s a casino? My concern is, the old guys like me, are sitting there with their retirement plans which are broke. The California retirement system is broke, Hawaii’s retirement system is broke. Chicago’s retirement system is broke. When this casino finally comes down, my generation is toast.

Between 1971 and today, the poor and middle-class workers who worked hard to earn fake money also saved fake money, and invested it in fake assets run by fake fund managers educated in our finest business schools became today’s biggest losers.

Money as we know it—fake money—is dying. That includes the U.S. dollar. Historically, the average life expectancy for a fiat currency is 27 years, with the shortest life span being one month.

Since 1971, the U.S. dollar has lost 97 percent of it’s purchasing power. History has proven that printing fake money never ends in prosperity. History is evidence that printing fake money always ends in poverty for those who work for fake money.

In my opinion, the best way to prepare is to not need money.

Recommended Link

Before Trump was President…Click here to learn more

Donald Trump laid out his brilliant ideas about America’s financial system in this book long before he was president.

He wrote it with the #1 best-selling author in personal finance, Robert Kiyosaki…

And it’s designed to help everyday Americans retire wealthy!

Click here now to claim your copy.

If you only have a few thousand saved for retirement…

Or simply want to learn why Trump will win again in 2020…

Check out more details on
this incredible offer now…


Don’t Fight the System

In the end, it’s not the government that has the power. It’s the Fed and the ultra-rich banks. This latest stimulus bill is simply a way to pacify the voters and make the government look like it’s doing something. The fundamental problems that caused the crisis are still in place—and the people responsible are still in power. The boom and bust cycle will continue as it always has since Nixon took the dollar off the gold standard in 1971.

It’s pointless to fight the system. Instead, you need to learn to play by the rules of the rich. You cannot expect the government to bail you out. They only do that for powerful banks and corporations—and they use your money to do it. Counting on the government and regulation to save you and the country sets you up for disappointment and failure.

Only by educating yourself about money and taking control of your financial future by playing by rules of the rich will you be able to prosper. The game is always tilted in favor of the rich and powerful. But you can choose to opt-out and prosper by understanding how the world and money works, just like the rich do.

Many will be wiped out by the coming depression. But I want to see you win. Continue your financial education and understand the rules of the game. Only then can you prosper as others perish.


Robert Kiyosaki

Robert Kiyosaki
Editor, Rich Dad Poor Dad Daily

P.S. If you think the Pandemic Crisis is over… 

It’s the question on everyone’s mind right now.

Luckily, me and one of the smartest minds in finance decided to go on camera to answer that question.

Click here to see it.

But warning…

The answer will most likely shock you.

This is the story the mainstream media is NOT reporting.

You see, we do not work for Wall Street or any media… so we’re 100% independent.

That means we aren’t taking any money to fulfill a particular agenda.

And because of that, we aren’t beholden to anyone.

If you think you can handle the truth, click here.

Gourmet Arabica CBD Coffee
Get Your Seat for TUESDAY’S LIVE
GenJava Launch Webinar!
Go Here NOW:

Hi ,

My team in the LAST 3 MONTHS, have made…
OVER 8.5 GRAND on JULY 13th

Now that we have GenJava,
I can see my in come 10 FOLDING…
Everybody WANTS GenJava!
It SMELLS Great! It TASTES Great!
It is GREAT!

Jo in FR E E and make MO N EY NOW!
Go Here:
1.) Watch the VIDEO
2.) Submit your In fo
3.) On NEXT PAGE, complete STEP#2
You’re Done!
Then look for my personal email in
your inbox and/or sp am folder

“Keep Them POOR” (Speech That “Broke The Internet”)

Rich Dad Poor Dad Daily
“Keep Them POOR”
(Speech That “Broke The Internet”)

  • Getting OPT and OPM to work for you…
  • Rich dad trained me to be a capitalist. The world wants to train you to be an employee…
  • What would you do with $20?

Recommended Link

“I’ve laid out a $32 MILLION BOUNTY on the mainstream media.”

Click here to learn more

The mainstream media is stealing your freedom AND your money — it’s time to fight back.

I’ve spent $32 MILLION to expose how every day Americans, with no special training, can harness the power of the media for a chance to collect BIG checks like $8,950… $11,400… and even a rare $54,000 almost every Monday morning.

Take back your freedom and your money.

Click here now to join me today.

Robert KiyosakiRobert Kiyosaki

Editor, Rich Dad Poor Dad Daily

Dear Reader,

My poor dad was what society would consider an A student: class valedictorian, and class president. He loved school. He graduated with a four-year degree from the University of Hawaii in only two years. He also attended Stanford University, the University of Chicago, and Northwestern University.

My rich dad never even finished the eighth grade; his father died so he had to take over the family business. Although his formal education was limited, he would eventually become one of the richest men in Hawaii.

My poor dad and my rich dad were polar opposites. Both were very good men, but they never did see eye to eye.

Looking back, I can see how my time with rich dad gave me an advantage in life, especially when it came to money. Between the ages of nine and 18, until I left for school in New York, I spent one or two days a week after school and two Saturdays every month working for free for rich dad.

Rich dad never paid his son or me with money; he paid us in training us to be capitalists. He did not pay us because he did not want to train us to be employees who worked for money. He was training us to be employers—entrepreneurs, capitalists who had OPT (Other People’s Talents), and OPM (Other People’s Money) working for them.

Recommended Link

The End of The Middle Class
(The REAL Truth)

The middle class is getting murdered… and there’s a small group of 12 unelected officials – and they have the middle classes’ blood on their hands.

Fortune calls this group of unelected officials an…

“enlightened coterie of bankers…”

Former U.S. Representative Dr. Ron Paul told MSNBC, this group is actually more powerful than congress. 

As the Huffington Post said, this is already “making the rich richer and leaving you behind.”

Look, deep inside, we all know something has gone wrong with our country…

And yet nobody seems to put their finger on it.

If you ever felt that for some reason you never seem to get ahead, despite working hard and doing everything right

Then you need to take a moment to prepare and grow your wealth during this massive new transfer of wealth. 

Click here to discover how you can take advantage.

Rich dad did not pay me because he did not want me to think like an employee. He felt the rest of the world would teach me to think that way. In other words, he was training me to think differently about money, which was priceless. He did not tell his son and me what to do. He gave us choices.

Rather than telling me to “Look for a job,” my rich dad encouraged me to think like an entrepreneur and instead “Look for opportunities.”

With that advice, I did many things to make money. For example, on Saturdays, I would be up at five o’clock in the morning to surf with my friends, since the surf is usually better in the morning. I would then go to rich dad’s office and work for him for a few hours. To earn money, I would then go to the golf course in the afternoon and work as a caddy, carrying a golf bag for 9 holes for $1. It was only a nine-hole course, so I could make $2 by carrying two bags. I could make more on a Saturday afternoon than the weekly allowance my parents gave me. On top of that, I got in shape for football season.

By looking for opportunities, rather than a job, rich dad was training me to look at the world as an entrepreneur, rather than an employee. Rich dad said, “You never want a paycheck.” Obviously, rich dad’s ideas about “work to learn, not to earn” angered my poor dad, who was more of a socialist than a capitalist.

School Does Not Teach You About Money

When I was young, I would ask my teachers, “Isn’t the reason for getting a job to make money? If money is the objective of getting a job, why not get right to the point and just teach us about money?” My question was never answered.

The fact that money isn’t taught in school, it leaves so many people, especially in today’s economy struggling when it comes to their finances.

The sad reality is that for many young people in America, their first expenses are rent, food, transportation, and entertainment. If they do not have the money, some moms and dads give them the money they need. This does little to increase their financial intelligence.

Many get married and start a family in their 20’s and 30’s and when the first child arrives, so do more expenses. And as most parents know, children become more expensive with age. When children arrive, many parents are forced to grow up.

By the time they are in their late 30’s, most young couples are trapped in the Rat Race of life. Life becomes a scramble to earn enough money to cover increasing expenses, with most people living paycheck to paycheck.

I knew at a young age that I didn’t want to wind up in the same cycle that I saw my parent’s living. That is why I embraced learning all that I could about money from my rich dad.

GenJava Launch Webinar!
Go Here NOW:

Hi Howard,

My team in the LAST 3 MONTHS, have made…
OVER 8.5 GRAND on JULY 13th

Now that we have GenJava,
I can see my in come 10 FOLDING…
Everybody WANTS GenJava!
It SMELLS Great! It TASTES Great!
It is GREAT!

Jo in FR E E and make MO N EY NOW!
Go Here:
1.) Watch the VIDEO
2.) Submit your In fo
3.) On NEXT PAGE, complete STEP#2
You’re Done!
Then look for my personal email in
your inbox and/or sp am folder


Hello, my name is Howard Martell, and avid coffee drinker and when the company I partnered with has stumbled upon the #2 most consumable product in the world. The number 1 is oil which is no brainer.

Once I tasted a sample pack of this healthly coffee never go back to over priced coffee from the brand names as now have a healthier coffee with up to 500 mg of Infused CBD Arabica Coffee bean.

GenJava Tastes Better than Starbucks at a Fraction of the Price!
This Product is HO T and People are making FOR TUNES with this
Gourmet Arabica CBD Coffee
is Just Now LAUNCHING!


Launching the Next…

Hi Howard,

Six months ago I was DEAD B ROKE!
Then, my CEO sent me this 1 minute video

and asked me to watch it. I watched
it, got started that day and I’m now over
20 GR AND this month

This PRODUCT & SYS TEM works!

Go to the link and watch the video from
beginning to end… it’s ONLY 1 minute
long so go to the video NOW

Then, look for my personal email in your
inbox and/or sp am folder and read it.

Hello, my name is Howard Martell, and avid coffee drinker and when the company I partnered with has stumbled upon the #2 most consumable product in the world. The number 1 is oil which is no brainer.

Once I tasted a sample pack of this healthly coffee never go back to over priced coffee from the brand names as now have a healthier coffee with up to 500 mg of Infused CBD Arabica Coffee bean.

GenJava Tastes Better than Starbucks at a Fraction of the Price!
This Product is HO T and People are making FOR TUNES with this
Gourmet Arabica CBD Coffee
is Just Now LAUNCHING!


How To Go From Zero to New Cash Flow

Dear Howard,

You probably know that Andy Tanner is the Rich Dad Advisor for paper assets.

He’s Robert Kiyosaki’s go-to expert for everything about stocks, options, commodities, and more.

For a limited time he is giving you access to his exclusive webclass called “How To Go From Zero to New Cash Flow… In as Little As 30 Days Without Needing A Degree in Finance or Working Your Butt Off 24 hours A Day.”

You need to attend this webclass.


During this exclusive webclass, Andy shows you how to create a new cash flow from scratch.

He’s giving you his time-tested profit techniques for any type of market, how you can position yourself to profit from market downturns, and how to create cash flow in as little as 30 days!

We promise your eyes will be opened to these exciting stock strategies.

In fact, here’s just a sample of what’s in store for you when you attend this exclusive webclass:

  • What Active vs. Passive Income looks like for stock investors like you
  • Profit techniques for any type of market – up, down, or sideways
  • What you can begin doing now to create your own new cash flow
  • How smart investors position themselves to profit from market downturns
  • The best way to begin creating your own cash flow in as little as 30 days
  • … and much, MUCH More!

Don’t waste another minute not knowing how to set up your own stock market cash flow… even if you’re starting from zero.

With all the opportunity available in the markets right now, it’s vital to gain these skills immediately!

Claim your spot and watch this exclusive webclass now:


Do it now so you don’t forget!

We wish you continued success in all your financial pursuits,

Rich Dad World Member Services

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Forget the mixed messages – here are 7 strategies for all investors


Rich Dad Poor Dad Daily
As a subscriber of Paradigm Press, we like to pass on offers that may be of interest to you. Here is a message from Robert and our friends at Professional Education Institute.

Click here to learn more

See the training Robert Kiyosaki Prepared for Rich Dad Insiders

The Result? 7 Strategies You Can Use Today (Free Access)

A few weeks ago, Robert Kiyosaki gathered the Rich Dad team and said he had a special plan for this month’s Livestream event.

He was frustrated by all the contradicting and confusing messages in the media and those being shared by many so-called financial ‘experts’. Here we are in unprecedented financial times and yet no one is offering much in the way of help or financial education to equip people to succeed.

As a result, he asked that we make this exclusive training available to the entire Rich Dad Community immediately.

This Thursday join us for a powerful online event: 7 Profit Producing Strategies for Insiders.

During this event, you’ll hear Robert and the Rich Dad team share proven wealth-building strategies that anyone can use to improve their financial future.

This event is being made available 100% FREE for the Rich Dad Community.

Come ready to learn strategies that you can leverage immediately, including:

  • The best way to truly learn how to be a successful investor
  • Strategies ordinary people can use to win the wealth game
  • The secret to investing for cash flow – and pay less tax (or none)
  • How you can overcome fear and anxiety to achieve your goals
  • The way to acquire assets if you want to get rich
  • How to create a personal plan to get out of the Rat Race

Click here to claim your FREE access to this event. Then – please help us share this free training with the world. Simply forward this email to anyone who is ready to create cash flow in the current economy.

Thank you for your support – we look forward to seeing you on this week’s event,

Rich Dad

P.S. An added bonus – register free today – and get an instant download of Robert’s guide, 5 ways to Maximize Your Prosperity for FREE!


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All products are of the highest quality and sold at the wholesale price to everyone with NO minimum quantities.

You make at least 50% profit on each item you sell!

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You can also build huge “residual” income by sharing this with others!

Don’t miss out on this… it’s something special!

Visit Here to Start RIGHT NOW!

Your Friend in Success!


It’s Here: America’s Next Big Bankruptcy

hen we see offers from other publishers that might interest you, we pass them along. Below you’ll find one from our friends at Stansberry Research. Please note that their opinions may differ from ours at Paradigm Press.
– Rich Dad Poor Dad Daily

It’s Here: America’s Next Big Bankruptcy

Dear Reader,

No one believed Porter Stansberry years ago when he said the world’s largest mortgage bankers (Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac) would soon go bankrupt.

And no one believed him when he said GM would fall apart… or that the same would happen to General Growth Properties (America’s biggest mall owner)… or that oil would fall from over $100 per barrel to less than $40 a barrel.

Click here to learn moreBut in each case, that’s exactly what happened.

And now Stansberry says something new and terrible is unfolding in America: We’re all being told a “Big Lie” that’s leading to a political event unlike anything we’ve seen in our country in more than 50 years.

Stansberry says there’s a surprising twist to this event, which will dramatically affect you and your money. In fact, Stansberry says this looming crisis will threaten your way of life, whether you own a single stock or not.

Stansberry says this development, which is already underway thanks to COVID-19, will change everything about our normal way of life: where you vacation… where you send your kids or grandkids to school… how and where you shop… the way you protect your family and home.

I strongly encourage you to check out Mr. Stansberry’s recent write-up on this situation.

You can read his written analysis, free of charge, on his website, right here…


Kelly Brown
Managing Director, Stansberry Research

P.S. Stansberry also says this is the REAL reason there’s such a large gap between the ultra-rich and everyone else in America today. More here…


The Real Value Of Corporate Social Responsibility

The Real Value Of Corporate
Social Responsibility

  • It is often said that the responsibility of an entrepreneur is to make a better product at a better price. I believe it is something greater than that…
  • I learned the hard way that entrepreneurs have a duty to…
  • This is why Trump and I want you to be rich

Recommended Link

Could this be the most important
minute of your life?

Click here to learn more

It’s a minute long video that could change the way you make money forever.

You could have a real opportunity to collect payouts like $8,900… $11,400… or even an exceptional $54,000 as soon as this coming Monday.

But you need to watch this video before it’s taken down Monday at midnight.

You do not want to miss your chance.


Robert KiyosakiRobert Kiyosaki

Editor, Rich Dad Poor Dad Daily


Dear Reader,

It is often said that the responsibility of an entrepreneur is to make a better product at a better price. I believe it is something greater than that. The job of an entrepreneur is to better serve more people and to make the world a better place.

When I was younger, I joined in the business of the Velcro® wallet craze, followed it up with the show wallet and finally went into creating rock and roll memorabilia. None of those products made the world a better place. In fact, I discovered that these products were making the world a worse place when I visited my factory in China only to learn that children were making my products and in very dangerous conditions. Money is not worth hurting children. My eyes opened right then. My eyes shifted to see the world as a true entrepreneur that sees the world.

I learned the hard way that entrepreneurs have a duty to make the world a better place. Sometimes that means we solve a problem and sometimes it means we bring enlightenment.

Corporate social responsibility has emerged rapidly in the last decade. It’s how businesses or individuals affect the surrounding community. It’s a wave that started because people are coming to the conclusion that governments around the world are failing to solve social problems. To combat that problem, businesses have decided to step up and fight for change.

Bringing enlightenment is why Kim and I created the CASHFLOW® board game and wrote Rich Dad Poor Dad. It’s also why Kim and I created the Rich Dad Poor Dad Application for mobile devices. With this new edition, we can reach more people and more effectively teach the lessons that have made us successful. We can better serve more people.

Recommended Link

America’s FINAL Wealth Transfer

Thanks to a recent drastic decision made behind closed doors in this building on March 23rd, 2020 at 8 A.M

…Millions of Americans will likely fall into poverty in the coming months…

In what historians will call the end of America’s middle class.

As Forbes reports…

“This decision that was made on March 23, 2020 at 8 A.M. will make the wealth gap grow even more.” 

The Wall Street Journal also warned that it will accelerate an…

“economywide transfer of wealth from the middle class to the affluent.”

Your actions in the coming weeks could determine which side of the FINAL wealth transfer you will be on…

Click here to find out the
5-steps to take


Your Past Success Means Nothing

People will often rest on their past successes. Entrepreneurs do not have that luxury. I have a poster hanging in my office that says, “No one cares about your past successes.” Entrepreneurs cannot lose momentum and we must look forward. We must keep pushing. We must keep serving. We must maintain our velocity.

I watched as the book publishing industry slowly began to decline. I could have waited to see how, or if, they were going to embrace the digital age, but then I would have lost momentum. I would have placed my mission and serving the world on hold. That is not what an entrepreneur does. Entrepreneurs solve problems; we serve and we lead.

A Story of Corporate Social Responsibility

An inspirational example of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in action is Rommel Juan and his business, Binalot Fiesta Foods. Binalot (which means “wrapped” in Filipino) creates Filipino-style fast foods that are wrapped to lock in their flavor.

DAHON (Dangal At Hanapbuhay para sa Nayon), the CSR program created by Binolot in 2007, helps farmers from Nagcarlan, Laguna facilitate the purchasing of banana leaves used to wrap Binalot’s foods.

DAHON not only benefits Juan’s business supplying and cutting the leaves but also the community. The women who cut the leaves earn approximately 200 pesos a day and the farmers have assured a steady supply of customers. The leaf trimmings, which previously had been tossed into trash heaps, are now repurposed for local compost materials in the community.

After Typhoon Milenyo hit the Philippines in 2006, wiping out the banana leaf crops in Luzon, DAHON played an integral part in helping source Binalot’s leaves. According to Juan, they had to import the leaves from other islands which had become expensive.

“We couldn’t price it that way for our franchisees, so we absorbed the cost,” he continued.

If it weren’t for a little luck found on a corporate social responsibility forum Juan’s aunt had taken him to, the unsustainable practice of importing the leaves would have driven Juan and his brother’s business into the ground.

It wasn’t easy, however. He thought selling the idea to local farmers would require very little effort. It took more than a few attempts to convince the local farmers his new leaf purchasing method would work. It was such a struggle, in fact, they only wanted Rommel to take their children back to Manila to give them jobs.

Finally, one community leader stepped up and agreed to organize the community and fulfill Binalot’s first order for banana leaves: one bundle, or about 200 dishes served at Binalot.

It didn’t take long for the community to rally behind the successful endeavor. The single bundle ordered quickly grew to 300 bundles. It blew away the community leader’s mind when he finally grasped they would continue to get the orders.

Because of the CSR program, Binalot was assured it could conduct its business with a steady, reliable supply of banana leaves. As a result, the people of Nagcarlan saw an improvement in their daily lives.

In 2007, Binalot Fiesta Foods received the “Out-of-the-Box” centennial prize for a small business competition sponsored by UPS. The $10,000 award went directly to the Laguna community.

The accolades didn’t stop there. Binalot also won the 2008 Anvil Award of Merit from the Public Relations Society of the Philippines. They also received recognition from Entrepreneur Magazine’s 2009 Franchise Awards as Best Local Homegrown Franchise and Fastest-Growing Franchise and many more.

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Retire Rich with Trump’s Help!

Click here to learn more

Donald Trump laid out his brilliant ideas about America’s financial system in this book long before he was president.

He wrote it with the #1 best-selling author in personal finance, Robert Kiyosaki…

And it’s designed to help everyday Americans retire wealthy!

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The Entrepreneur’s Higher Purpose

Being an entrepreneur is like-kind to pursuing a higher purpose. Entrepreneurs understand that what they do creates jobs, helping people, and serving the world. Those higher purposes are far more important than pride or fear.

Rich Dad Poor Dad started simply as a book to promote our CASHFLOW® board game. It grew to become the #1 bestselling personal finance book of all time. My pride could have demanded that we never change. My pride could have said that Rich Dad Poor Dad, in its original form, helped tens of millions. Why change it?

Fear could have demanded that the world is changing too fast and that I should wait and see what happens first. Fear could have told me to allow someone else to test the market with a new digital platform. After all, why change now?

But, I am not an author. I am an entrepreneur. I take risks and I lead. And so the world of publishing is going to change, and I bet it is going to follow the lead of the new interactive Rich Dad Poor Dad powered by Clutch Learning. The Rich Dad Company is serving more people and making the world better.


Robert Kiyosaki

Robert Kiyosaki
Editor, Rich Dad Poor Dad Daily

P.S. Find out why Trump and I want you to be rich

It’s why we wrote this book together!

Click here to learn more

If you want to discover why we want you to be rich

Click here to learn how to claim your copy right now.

But don’t wait too long — there are only 250 copies available today!